The shirt hardly wrinkles thanks to the “Perfect Look” processing, making it effortlessly wearable with minimal ironing and additionally smoothing out with body warmth. It comes with a shark collar, a classic cuff with the distinctive van Laack swing, special van Laack corner stitches, and a smooth button placket. The high-quality shirt craftsmanship includes inner and side seams, hand-knotted seams, and mother-of-pearl buttons. Ideal for business occasions and as a travel shirt.
- Tailor Fit
- Natural stretch properties
- Easy to iron and wrinkle-resistant
- Pinchecked Twill design
- Fabric supplier from Switzerland
- shark collar
- Classic cuff with van Laack swing
- Distinctive van Laack corner stitches
- Smooth button placket
- High-quality shirt craftsmanship
- Mother-of-pearl buttons
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